Membership Renewals

October 1st is Lakedell Ag Society’s New Year. Memberships are now due. Many of you have already came in and renewed; thank you. If you still need to renew a link to the General Ag Society Membership can be found here:  Ag Membership Application

We also offer Riding Arena Usage Memberships or Arena Memberships.  We are implementing a system where you can use a fob touch key to open the small overhead door at the North End of the Arena.  If you would like to purchase a yearly arena membership the form is available here:  ARENA AGREEMENT 2019-2020

If you want to get a fob and still continue to do drop in riding we can accommodate that as well. We charge a $25 deposit on the fobs and you can then drop your $10 per horse riding fee in the drop box if that works better for you and your family.

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